Door Alarms: Be sure they are in working order and loud enough to be heard by all.
Pool Fences: Fences should be at least 4 feet high, equipped with self-closing and self-latching gates. Pool fences work only if they are used correctly. Drowning may happen when the gate is left open, or the pool fence is taken down for a party, maintenance, or a storm (hurricane, etc.), and it’s not put back into its proper place promptly. Teach all members of the family to always close the gate behind them, then recheck .
Pool Alarms: There are devices available at local pool supply stores that remain in the pool.
Swimming Lessons: It is important to remember that swimming lessons for a child are just one of the “Barriers of Protection.” Swimming lessons are never a guarantee of total water safety. Nothing takes the place of supervision!
When not in use, keep toys out of the pool.
While hosting parties where children will be attending, hire a certified and trained lifeguard.
Pools are not the only place where children can drown. There are lakes, rivers, ponds, canals, toilets, bathtubs, buckets of water, and additional containers that hold water.
It still goes back to Supervision! Supervision! Supervision!